Product Detail

Methandienone Ions Pharmacy 10mg

110,00 450,00 

Methandienone, commonly known as Metanabol (EU) or Dianabol (USA), is a highly potent AAS that quickly and efficiently binds to the androgen receptor, increasing protein synthesis and glycogenolysis, thus promoting strength and muscle mass growth.

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Methandienone, commonly known as Metanabol (EU) or Dianabol (USA), is a highly potent AAS that quickly and efficiently binds to the androgen receptor, increasing protein synthesis and glycogenolysis, thus promoting strength and muscle mass growth. Furthermore, Dianabol induces a characteristic bulk-up effect due to increased capacity for glycogen storage and significantly impacts the dopamine receptors, increasing their activity and positively affecting mood, motivation, and overall well-being.

Like all the 17α alkylated steroids, methandienone can negatively affect liver and stomach functions; therefore, due to safety reasons, it requires using liver and stomach support supplements before, during, and after a cycle.

Methandienone has a half-life of 3-6 hours; therefore, it should be used either pre-workout in a single dose of 20-50mg (see recommended form – Methajet) or in 2-3 smaller doses split throughout the day.

It must be used along with exogenous testosterone (any form). It’ll go perfectly with all compounds from DHT derivatives or nandrolones groups. You can also pair it with HGH or MK-677 and SARMs. To optimize liver and stomach protection, you can use BPC-157.