Product Detail

Chloro Dehydromethyl Testosterone Ions Pharmacy

190,00 850,00 

It’ll help you build a fair amount of lean muscle mass, simultaneously reducing fat and putting several more pounds on a barbell.

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Also known as Turinabol or Tbol. Following its chemical formula is a close cousin to another AAS – methandienone, and despite being less anabolic and androgenic, it possesses its own unique properties. It’ll help you build a fair amount of lean muscle mass, simultaneously reducing fat and putting several more pounds on a barbell. Turinabol doesn’t cause a significant rise in estrogen, and despite being 17a alkylated, it still isn’t highly hepatotoxic; therefore, cycles can safely exceed 8 weeks of continuous use.

Like all the 17α alkylated steroids, turinabol can negatively affect liver and stomach functions; therefore, due to safety reasons, it requires using liver and stomach support supplements before, during, and after a cycle.

Anadrol’s half-life is estimated at 14-16 hours. However, it should be taken twice daily – morning and evening for best effectiveness. Dosages reach 40mg daily in men and 10mg in women. The standard length of a cycle range from 6-10 weeks.

Turinabol should be used along with exogenous testosterone (any form). It can be stacked with all injectable compounds, MK-677 or HGH and SARMs. To optimize liver and stomach protection, you can use BPC-157.