Product Detail

One Rip Ions Pharmacy 150mg / 10 amp. 1ml

230,00 1 050,00 

A unique combination of short-esters of Testosterone, Masteron, and Trenbolone by 50mg of each.

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A unique combination of short-esters of Testosterone, Masteron, and Trenbolone by 50mg of each. It’s a highly synergistically-acting stack that will fulfill the highest expectations of most advanced athletes, independently of their primary sports goal. One rip will establish the most favorable anabolic environment by maximizing muscle protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, IGF-1 responsiveness, and reducing SHBG. Also, thanks to the central nervous system-protective potential and reduction of unfavorable cortisol activity, it’ll make your body capable of handling the most demanding training plans. Finally, the addition of Masteron will help you alleviate all potential side effects resulting from testosterone to estrogen conversion, allowing you to reduce your dosing of aromatase inhibitors.

Using this product, you should take special care of your blood pressure, HDL-LDL ratio, liver, and kidneys. Introducing a supplementation of omega-3 and melatonin will be an excellent addition.

Regular doses oscillate at 150-300mg, administered every other day.

You can stack it with an oral AAS of your choice to reach a tremendous synergistic potential. It also pairs perfectly with GH or MK-677 and SARMs.