Product Detail

DrostanoIone Enanthate Ions Pharmacy 200mg

210,00 950,00 

Slow-release Masteron ester – DHT derivative and a highly beneficial anabolic-androgenic steroid.

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Slow-release Masteron ester – DHT derivative and a highly beneficial anabolic-androgenic steroid. Masteron is not prone to aromatase and will not be converted into estrogenic metabolites. Moreover, it significantly reduces estrogenic activity by binding to the estrogen receptors (ER), enabling users to prevent excessive aromatization of testosterone in high doses. Drostanolone is known for its high affinity to androgen receptors, thus strongly escalating masculine characteristics on the mind and body, promoting muscle growth and well-being, and improving cognitive functions, libido, and recovery of the central nervous system. Thanks to its potential to reduce SHBG, it’ll also increase the number of free-to-bound androgens circulating in the blood, enhancing the efficiency of every AAS cycle.

A single dose oscillates at 75-200mg injected every fourth (e4d) of the fifth day (e5d).

Masteron must be used along with exogenous testosterone, and in respect of its half-life, it’s easiest to stack with long-lived esters such as testosterone enanthate or cypionate. It pairs perfectly with nandrolones, all oral steroids, HGH or MK-677, and SARMs